Project Brief
Simple Storage is an app to help schedule service of mini self storage, a small warehouse accommodating things ranging from clothes and books to sports equipment and rarely used TV set. The service is becoming increasingly popular in Hong Kong, where the living space is only 1/5 of that in US.
The design idea originated from an interview I conducted with the management of a traditional mini storage company. Seeing the scheduling process of their service could take up to one or two days, I felt motivated to help improve the situation. In this small project, I applied methods of User-Centered Design such as persona, journey map, and scenario mapping into it. The research and design last 10 weeks and I worked on it individually under instruction of a design researcher.
Urban people tends to amass stuff, which can be troublesome if you live in the most crowded city --- Hong Kong.
Average individual living space

Mini self storage solves the problem.
Different from the traditional warehouse, it's small and private, allowing people to put rarely used personal stuff. Mini self storage is becoming increasingly attractive to both venture capitals and residents in HK.
The market potential is huge.
households are living in homes without a storage room in HK.
If half of them demanded 3 square meters storage space each, the market size would be 1,230,000 square meters, nearly 4 times of current supply.
I got these numbers and facts when preparing for an interview, not one for user research, but for writing a story for a newspaper. Yes, I was a financial reporter based in HK. But what's different this time is that I found myself not satisfied with just being an observer and writing things down any more. I want to engage, to find better solutions for people here in HK to live a more comfortable life. This shift becomes the start of this small project and I started from user research.

Who are using it?
I conducted interview with 8 storage users and sent out 50 questionnaires online to get to know their storage habits. A typical user has the following features.
Typical User
Middle class in HK
35-50 years old
HK$80-100K of monthly household income
Familiar with technology products
However, though using the same service, different groups of people are found to be actually using it with different functions. Based on two dimensions --- storage period and delivery frequency, users can be divided into three types --- Archive users, Seasonal users and Active users. Archive users deem mini self storage extension of their living space. They normally put stuff there for a very long period (more than 5 years) with continually renewing contracts, and they seldom fetch their stuff back. Seasonal users also regard mini self storage as extension of living space and put stuff there for a long period, but different from archive users, they often fetch back stuff (winter clothes or sports equipment) on a seasonal basis. Different from these two types, active users see mini self storage as a temporary warehouse, and they are one-time users. They usually put stuff there for less than one year.
Three user types

How's the current user experience?
I drew an as-is journey map to get each type of user go through the complete storage process to complete their tasks and goals. Through this process, I defined four problems that have opportunities to improve.

I only want to find a place to put up my stuff. I hope to save time to visit the warehouse in person to sign a contract. --- All three types of users
The space is not fully used if I only want to store some clothes and books. --- Seasonal and Active users
Some companies provide you one free delivery per month, but I seldom use it. I prefer to have them move my stuff for free. --- Active users
Sometimes I want my families to take back stuff on their way home, but they can't get into the warehouse if they don't bring the access card. --- Archive users

Time Consuming

Space Wasting

Homogeneous service and price

Account sharing difficulty
How might we help smooth the process?
Persona + User Scenario + Sketch + Paper prototypes
Archive User
(clickable picture)

Seasonal User
(clickable picture)

Active User
(clickable picture)

I made three personas to represent the three user types --- Archive users, Seasonal users and Active users. Each of them have different needs for storage period and delivery frequency, and they deem mini self storage different functions. This helps me bear in mind the needs of users throughout the design phase.

I made a scenario mapping to get myself through the whole storage process. Green posters are main tasks a user need to complete in a storage; the yellow ones are user's behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and the red posters represent unmet needs.

I draw sketches for each of the three user types. Most of the tasks they need to complete in the process are overlapped. For these parts, I gave them more weight in the app design. I also incorporated specific needs of one or two user types in the design, and give them less weight accordingly. The division of users helps me think in an ordered way.

I first made paper prototypes to take fast user testing and get feedbacks quickly.
A brief to-be journey map


Pages for new users

Pages for registered users

Specific needs of each user type are incorporated through the design process.
Wireframe - final version
(clickable picture)

Here are the opportunities.
I designed an app and named it "Simple Storage". The app enables mini self storage users to schedule service and manage stuff online, and it greatly simplifies the schedule process and improves user experience.

1. Save time
The app has a schedule function that allows users to select stored stuff types, pick a warehouse, select storage period and delivery frequency, fill personal information, and pay online. All can be done with a click.

For users who only want to store several books or clothes, standard boxes are provided to help them save the money for renting a larger warehouse.
3. Multiple packages for three user types
Users can select different storage period and delivery frequency, and decide whether they need moving service or not. Based on these information, the app will automatically come up with the best storage package for the user.
4. One warehouse, multiple users
After the stuff is stored, users will get an electronic card to get access to the warehouse when they want to pick stuff themselves. Users can share this card with families and friends through a link. This function enables other users to manage the same warehouse without bringing a physical card every time. Anyone with the link can get access to the warehouse.
5. Manage stuff in order
Before delivering stuff, users can take photos and add tags to the stuff and check them later with the app.
This is the first UX design project that I applied User-Centered Design methods in it. It was a very good opportunity for me to figure out features of each method, and I got some reflections as follows.
Design is an iterative process of thinking and making with persistent exploration and evaluation. Getting hands dirty at every phase of designing is vital. Better solutions come to me automatically when I keep thinking ,drawing, prototyping, and collecting feedbacks.
Coming up with proper texts on navigations and buttons is not a seemingly easy task. The texts must not create confusion.
Good design helps users achieve their goals more easily and avoids letting users do too many tasks at each step. The design is to help them rather than bother them.
There may not be a clear standard to differentiate right designs and wrong designs, but there is one to distinguish good ones from bad ones. The standard is whether the design can help better solve problems and make the experience more delightful. Due to constantly changing of users' needs, the progress of chasing good design is actually endless.